Who We Are


Energizing our community by providing its key essential element – water.


The Athens Municipal Water Authority (“AMWA”) was originally formed in 1957 by the Texas Legislature as a Conservation and Reclamation District. In 1979 AMWA was converted into a municipal utility district operating under Chapter 54 of the Texas Water Code.

Lake Athens, formerly known as Flat Creek Reservoir, is on Flat Creek in the Neches River basin eight miles east of Athens in Henderson County (centered at 32°12' N, 94°43' W). The project is owned and operated by the Athens Municipal Water Authority for municipal water supply, flood regulation, and recreation. 

Construction began on September 25, 1961, and the dam closure was made and deliberate impoundment of water started on November 1, 1962. The project was completed at the end of May 1963. The reservoir has a capacity of 32,840 acre-feet and a surface area of 1,520 acres at the spillway crest elevation of 440 feet above mean sea level. 

AMWA is funded by the taxpayers within the city limits of Athens.  The five AMWA board members must own land within the city limits of Athens, or be a registered voter within the City of Athens, and are elected by the city of Athens voters.


Frank Lunceford
Term expires: 2028

Donald A. Foster
Term expires:  2028

Dick Grymonprez
Term expires: 2028

Marty Lindsey
Term expires: 2026

Nick Grant
Term expires: 2026

The Board of Directors of the Athens Municipal Water Authority meets in Regular Session on the second Friday of each month, beginning at 8:00 a.m.

During each Regular Session, the public is allowed to address the board during the section of the agenda titled "Opportunity for citizens to express items of concern."  Individuals are limited to 3 minutes each for their comments. Keep in mind that the Board of Directors are prohibited from entering into discussions about any items not included on the posted agenda.  For this reason, if you bring up a topic that they’d like to talk more about, it will have to wait until the next meeting.

All business-related inquiries, comments, or other contact with the Board of Directors can be made by clicking HERE or by submitting via regular mail to:

Board of Directors
Athens Municipal Water Authority
P. O. Box 229
Athens, TX  75751

Please bookmark this website to use as your resource regarding all things about Lake Athens and the Athens Municipal Water Authority.  Please keep in mind, however, that because we strive to bring you the most recent information, the site is in a constant state of flux.  Your patience is greatly appreciated!!

Meetings - Current Agenda

The Board of Directors of the Athens Municipal Water Authority will meet in regular session on Friday, January 10, 2025, at 2:00 PM. at Authority headquarters, 5302 FM 2495.  The agenda can be found here.

If you would like to speak during the "Opportunity for Citizens to Express Items of Concern", complete the Public Participation form at least five minutes prior to the start of the meeting, or email it to info@athenstxwater.org before 3:30 P.M. the day before the meeting.


Meetings - Archive of Minutes

To view the minutes of previous meetings held, please access our Archive of Minutes.  PLEASE NOTE:  Because of its size, only the minutes from 2011 to present will be available online. To view minutes from years prior to that, please contact the AMWA offices.


Tax Rate & Budget Information

Information regarding tax rate and budgets can be found here.

Who Are Our Partners

Texas Parks & Wildlife

Texas Parks & Wildlife

The Outdoor Annual has gone mobile! Afield or afloat, it's easy to access regulations on your iPhone, iPad or Android, even without internet service.

What's on our Minds

TPWD Combats Zebra Mussels

TPWD Combats Zebra Mussels

New statewide rule requires draining of water from boats and onboard receptacles when leaving or approaching public freshwater lakes.

What's Happening at Lake Athens

Status of Lake Athens

Status of Lake Athens

Curious to know if Lake Athens is at its maximum level? Click here and find out!

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Copyright © 2025, Athens Municpial Water Authority